HIGH SCHOOL - BASKETBALL Take Route 3 East to Garden State Parkway South to exit 144 S. Orange Ave. Go right under Garden State Parkway to straight to light make left and make right @ Speedway Ave. Bear right to @ next light on to South Orange Ave. Make right onto South Orange Ave. Proceed past 1 light, cemetery will be on your left. At the end of the cemetery, turn left into school driveway. WEST SIDE PARK – BASEBALL JV/F FOOTBALL Take Route 3 East to Garden State Parkway South to exit 144 S. Orange Ave. Go right under Garden State Parkway to straight to light make left and make right @ Speedway Ave. Proceed down 14 Ave for 4 blocks to South 14th Street. Then make a right and continue 1 block to 16th Ave. Make left turn and park along 16th Street. BRANCH BROOK PARK - TENNIS- Route 280 East to the Clifton Ave exit. Make right turn onto Clifton Ave. Proceed 3 blocks past cathedral. Make left at Park Ave. Follow the curve down the hill 3 blocks and make right turn into Branchbrook Park. Take the trail thru to Heller Parkway. Courts are on the right at Branch Brook Park Extensions. SCHOOL STADIUM - Route 23 South to Bloomfield Ave. (Make a left turn onto Bloomfield Ave. Travel Bloomfield Ave for approx. 5-6 miles. School Stadium is on Bloomfield Ave and North 15th St. UNTERMANN FIELD V FOOTBALL- Parkway South to exit 123 B, Hillside/ Chancellor Ave. Make left onto Union Ave. Make right onto Chancellor Ave. Go to the 5th light, field is on left. SHABAZZ STADIUM Garden State Parkway South to Route 78 East. Get into the far left lane to exit 56 Clinton Ave Hillside. Remain straight and proceed thru light to Hillside Ave. Stadium is past 2nd traffic light on the right. VAILSBERG PARK SOFTBALL - Take Route 3 East to Garden State Parkway South to exit 144 S. Orange Ave. Go right under Garden State Parkway to straight to light make left and make right @ Speedway Ave. Bear right to @ next light on to South Orange Ave. Make left onto South Orange Ave At the 2nd light make left onto South Munn Ave. Field on left side. Harold Wilson School - Garden State Parkway South to exit 145 280 The Oranges / Newark / Harrison. Turn left at Central Ave. Turn right at Bergen St. Turn left at Muhammaf Ali Ave. Turn right at Jelliff Ave. IRVINGTON PARK (softball) - Garden State Parkway to Exit 143A, right and proceed to first light and make a right onto Lyons Ave. The park is 500 yards on the left.