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Students and Staff Team Up to Make Paint Night a Success

Valley Echo BannerAva Mania '24

23 December 2021

Paint Night; photo credit: Ava ManiaFor the first time in many years, Passaic Valley hosted Paint Night on Wednesday, December 15th and Thursday, December 16th. Staff members, students, and community members volunteered to brighten the hallways with a fresh coat of paint. Superintendent Mr. Bracken Healy believes that it is important for students “to be a part of the positive culture we are trying to build here at PV” and Paint Night was effective in doing just that. Paint Night; photo credit: Ava Mania

Paint Night was a creative way to build ‘pride’ and ‘positive vibes’ in the school. “The students and staff really did a phenomenal job painting and covered a lot of ground,” said Mr. Healy. “The volunteers painted the entire ground floor as well as the main hallway that leads to the Gris Gymnasium.”Paint Night

120 staff members and students volunteered for the project. Administration, who was only expecting about 20 or so, was overjoyed by the response. “It was a huge outpouring of support, and we’re very appreciative of everyone’s efforts,” said Mr. Healy. 

One student volunteer, Danica O’Brien ‘24, was glad to participate in upgrading the school facilities.  “I felt good about helping my school become the best it can be and I had a great time with my peers,” said O’Brien. Paint Night

With guidance from staff, students gathered in groups and painted walls throughout the building. “My experience was very positive,“ explained O’Brien. “I learned how to use some tools like a roller and how to properly paint, which I might need later on in life.” 

Paint NightAfter working diligently, volunteers enjoyed pizza. “It was enjoyable to see people smiling, having fun, and building rapport,” said Mr. Healy. “The event was an enjoyable moment, I think, for everyone involved.” 

Mr. Healy will definitely consider holding such collaborative events in the future. Having students take ownership of the building and allowing them to take part in making PV the best place it can be is something that is of interest to him and other administrators.