Mrs. Vigilante Honored as "Counselor of the County" by Passaic County School Counselor Association
Daren Lomuti '24
7 May 2022
On Wednesday March 23, Mrs. Danielle Vigilante was presented as “Counselor of the County”, by Passaic County School Counselor Association (PCSCA). Nominated by her co-workers, Mrs. Vigilante was honored for her dedication to Passaic Valley students and the community.
PCSCA promotes professional guidance counselors for schools in New Jersey. The program has a number of different awards they distribute each year, one of them being “Counselor of the County''. The title honors guidance counselors for all they do for their students and their respective schools. Multiple schools in Passaic County nominated one guidance counselor each.
In the past, PV participated in “Counselor of The County,” with winners including Mr. William Pantale, and former Director of Guidance, Ms. Persosi. Ms. Jennifer Shue, Mr. Pantale, and Ms. Diana Pasquariello had the privilege to select this year's nomination. After deliberations, they nominated Mrs. Vigilante for all of her hard work and dedication at PV. “She [Mrs. Vigilante] has such a big heart and truly cares about every single kid that walks into her office,” Ms. Shue said.
Mrs. Vigilante was working in her office when her fellow guidance counselors entered. After alerting her to check her email, Mrs. Vigilante found the announcement that she was 2022's ”Counselor of the County”. After hearing the news, Mrs. Vigilante was taken over by emotions. “I had tears in my eyes,” said Mrs. Vigilante. “I was so surprised and honored.”
After graduating from Montclair State University, Mrs. Vigilante has been working at PV for 26 years. Starting as a Social Studies teacher, then becoming a guidance counselor, Mrs. Vigilante has made her mark. As a counselor, Mrs. Vigilante aims to assist her students and provide them with resources they need through their four years at PV. “The biggest asset for a counselor is compassion,” said Mrs. Vigilante. “You really have to be a good listener and work relentlessly for your students.”
Ms. Shue nominated Mrs. Vigilante to highlight her dedication to the school. “She will do anything for her children,” said Ms. Shue, who has worked with Mrs. Vigilante for 18 years. “She has dropped things off at peoples' houses. She has even gone as far as getting supplies for a student who had a fire or one that was homeless.”
Mrs. Vigilante is grateful to be nominated by her fellow staff members. She wants to continue helping and guiding her students to the best of her ability. “I was so humbled that my colleagues think so highly of me,” Mrs. Vigilante commented.